Adaptive k-Nearest Neighbour Classification for a k-nearest neighbour matrix, given class labels and local k values for the training data
- knn
Is a k-nearest neighbour matrix, giving the indices of the training set that the query is closest to. Rows are the query cells, columns are the NNs. Typically output using BiocNeighbors::queryKNN(,,k = max(k_local)).
- class
Is the labels associated with the training set.
- k_local
Is an integer vector length of the training set, giving the local k to use if k_local is given as a single integer, then that value is used as k for all observations.
# Generate example data
data <- matrix(rpois(10 * 20, 10), 10, 20) # 10 genes, 20 cells
data_2 <- matrix(rpois(10 * 30, 10), 10, 30) # 10 genes, 30 cells
# Generate error matrix for k_local
E <- matrix(runif(100), 20, 5)
colnames(E) <- paste0("K_", 1:5)
# Define training class labels and adaptive k-values
class <- factor(rep(letters[1:2], each = 10))
k_local <- getAdaptiveK(E, labels = class)
knn <- BiocNeighbors::queryKNN(
t(data), t(data_2),
k = max(as.numeric(gsub("K_", "", k_local)))
#> Warning: detected tied distances to neighbors, see ?'BiocNeighbors-ties'
# Adaptive KNN classification
test <- adaptiveKNN(
knn, class, as.numeric(gsub("K_", "", k_local))