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A function to find and visualise the genes with the highest (in absolute value) loading in WSIR1. These genes contribute the most to the first low-dimensional direction.


findTopGenes(WSIR, highest = 10, dirs = 1)



wsir object as output of wSIR function. To analyse a different DR method, ensure the slot named 'directions' contains the loadings as a matrix with the gene names as the rownames.


integer for how many of the top genes you would like to see. Recommend no more than 20 for ease of visualisation. Default is 10.


integer or vector for which direction / directions you want to show/find the top genes from.


List containing two slots. First is named "plot" and shows a barplot with the top genes and their corresponding loadings. Second is named "genes" and is a vector of the genes with highest (in absolute value) loading in low-dimensional direction 1. Length is parameter highest.



wsir_obj = wSIR(X = sample1_exprs,
  coords = sample1_coords,
  optim_params = FALSE,
  alpha = 4,
  slices = 6) # create wsir object
top_genes_obj = findTopGenes(WSIR = wsir_obj, highest = 8)
top_genes_plot = top_genes_obj$plot # select plot
top_genes_plot # print plot