A wrapper function to calculate all metrics
spe_celltype = NULL,
ref_celltype = sce_ref$celltype,
positive_marker_list = NULL,
negative_marker_list = NULL,
nn_celltype_pair = NULL,
nn_neg_markers_list = NULL,
exprs_values = "logcounts",
use_BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
bin_width = 500,
distance_breaks = c(seq(0, 50, 10), 100),
verbose = TRUE
A Spatial Experiment object
A string or a vector indicating the cell type information. If it is a string, it will retrive the information from colData.
A SingleCellExperiment object for the reference data
A vector with length of the sample indicating the cell type label.
A list of positive markers
A list of negative markers
A pair of cell type.
A list of negative marker corresponding to each cell type in `nn_celltype_pair`.
A string indicating which assay of `spe` contains the expression values.
A BiocParallelParam instance determining the parallel back-end to be used during evaluation.
A numeric indicates the width of the bin.
A numeric vector of two or more unique cut points for distance between the pair of cell type.
A logical value indicates whether to print out running messages.
A SpatialExperiment object