This function create parameters that put into fitNEMoE function.
createParameterList( lambda1 = 0.02, lambda2 = 0.015, alpha1 = 0.5, alpha2 = 0.5, beta_max = 10, EM_alg = "EM", init = "kmeans", itmax = 100, itmin = 1, adapt = TRUE, btr = TRUE, stop_all = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, early_stop = FALSE )
lambda1 | Penalty regularizer for the experts. |
lambda2 | Penalty regularizer for the gating network. |
alpha1 | Elastic net penalty value for experts. |
alpha2 | Elastic net penalty value for gating network. |
beta_max | Maximal of coefficient. By default is 10. |
EM_alg | Method for Expecation maximization update. Can be chosen from "EM", "CEM", "GEM", "SEM", "SAEM", "GEM". By default is "EM". |
init | Method for initialization. Can be chosen from "rand", "kmeans" and "glmnet". If init="rand" will use a dirichlet distribution initialing the latent class. If init="kmeans" the latent class will initialized using kmeans clustering of input for gating network. If init="glmnet" will use a equal probability with lasso as its corresponding coefficients in experts network. |
itmax | Maximium number of iteration in fitting NEMoE. By default is 100. |
itmin | Minimium number of iteration in fitting NEMoE. By default is 3. |
adapt | whether use adaptive mode in optimization. By default is TRUE. |
btr | Whether use backtracking during the iteration. By default is TRUE. |
stop_all | Method of stop criterion. If stop_all = TRUE means that either coefficient or loss function converge. If stop_all = FALSE means that both coefficient and loss function converge. |
verbose | A logical input indicating whether the intermediate steps will be printed. |
early_stop | A logical input indicate whether early stop when one of the fitted latent class have zero variables selected (to save time). By default is TRUE. |
A list contain parameters in fitting NEMoE.