Train Model

## Class: scClassifyTrainModel 
## Model name: TasicV1_neuronal 
## Feature selection methods: limma 
## Number of cells in the training data: 1679 
## Number of cell types in the training data: 20

Cell type composition:

Cell Tpye Freq
Astro 43
Endo 29
Igtp 10
L2 21
L2/3 95
L4 222
L5 69
L5a 119
L5b 67
L6a 136
L6b 35
Micro 22
Ndnf 66
Oligo 38
OPC 22
Pvalb 275
Smad3 13
Sncg 9
Sst 202
Vip 186



Cell Type Tree


Tasic, B. et al., 2016. Adult mouse cortical cell taxonomy revealed by single cell transcriptomics. Nature Neuroscience.